
The plugin uses the Velocity template engine. Information about the Velocity language can be found under here.

Accessing User Parameters from the Templates

The parameters entered by the user can be accessed like all other properties in Velocity by adding the prefix 'data'. For example if you defined a parameter with name 'className' in the template dialog the parameter can be referenced in your templates with '${data.className}.

Accessing Static Parameters

The static parameters can be accessed by the Velocity template using the same name under which they are defined i.e. if you define a parameter 'vendor' in the configuration dialog you can use this parameter in the template with the string '${vendor}'.

Special Predefined Parameters

The plugin provides a number of hardcoded parameters for the use in the templates.

Velocity StringDescription
${Dates.day}Current day (1..31)
${Dates.month}Current month (January=1, February=2,...)
${Dates.today}Current date in the current locale default format
${Dates.year}Current year (2006)
${Selection.directory}The directory of the selected item.
${Selection.file}The file name of the selected item.
${Selection.module}The module name of the selected item.
${Selection.moduleDirectory}The path containing the module file of the selected item.
${Selection.package}The package of the selected item.
${Selection.project}The name of the project.
${Selection.projectDirectory}The path containing the project file.
${Selection.rootDirectory}The root source path containing the selected item.

Special Predefined Methods

The plugin provides a number of hardcoded utility methods for the use in the templates.

Velocity StringDescription
${Dates.date(pattern)}Returns the current date formatted with the given pattern.
pattern:The formatting pattern like supported by java.text.SimpleDateFormat.
${Env.get(variable)}Returns the given environment variable.
variable:The name of the environment variable.
${Strings.capitalize(text)}Change the first letter into upper case.
text:The string to be modified.
${Strings.decapitalize(text)}Change the first letter into lower case.
text:The string to be modified.
${Strings.fillLeft(baseString, string, length)}Prepends the given string to the given baseString until it has at least the given length.
baseString:The starting string.
string:The string which is prepended to be baseString.
length:The length of the returned string.
${Strings.fillRight(baseString, string, length)}Appends the given string to the given baseString until it has at least the given length.
baseString:The starting string.
string:The string which is appended to the baseString.
length:The length of the returned string.
${Strings.formatJavaIdentifier(text)}Formats the given value as a displayable string. 'aJavaProperty' will be changed to 'A Java Property'.
text:The string to be modified.
${System.get(property)}Returns the given system property.
property:The name of the property.